
Appwrite Console Speed Issue

  • 2
  • Self Hosted
  • Web
  • Cloud
Tanmay Juneja
17 Dec, 2023, 11:18

Hello there!

I have a database in the Appwrite cloud at the moment. I have a few customers whom I am serving using the Appwrite Cloud Database. Our product went live on my customer's platform 3 days ago and crashed twice due to Appwrite errors (when the server was down). I have added error-handling in the backend now, but I wanted to know what I can do to keep the service up and running 24*7. I saw there is a paid plan available for Appwrite, and there is an option to self-host Appwrite.

What would be the best solution out of these two? Please give a cost comparison as well, if possible, b/w self-hosted and cloud version. My only requirement is that I capture all of my client's data in the Appwrite database (I was an early Appwrite user, loved it, hence built everything on top of it!). Now, I am facing a lot of difficulty when I see some data is not being collected when the server was down. Also, the Cloud console is also very slow in loading when the database has some data (~250 entries).

Also, please elaborate on the downtime and how can I anticipate the down-time if I use the Appwrite paid version?

P.S. I am very early in serving my first clients, hence, each data point matters a lot while showing results (~ resides in Appwrite Cloud database). That's why, please guide me in the best way possible. If the hosted option might be better, please guide me towards the best-documented implementation to do so. Thanks a lot for your time!

The user is experiencing slow loading speeds on the Appwrite Cloud console. There is a plan to look into performance improvements. They also have questions about query handling and whether they should self-host. Additionally, they are concerned about downtime and capturing client data. Unfortunately, there is no solution provided in the support thread.
18 Dec, 2023, 01:45

Our goal is to have 99.99% availability. Right now, cloud is in public between.wo beta, so there may be hiccups from time to time

The cost of self-hosting is all on you and how much you want to spend on your servers.

Are your slow databases using relationships?

You can check on the status of Appwrite at and get notified as well. We can't anticipate unplanned outages, but we do our best with monitors in place so that we can get back online as soon as possible.

Tanmay Juneja
18 Dec, 2023, 13:24

Hey @Drake !

Thanks a lot for your response. I don't have any relationships in databases, just normal databases and API calls. Now, the server is working fine. I had a question:- If I have around 35,000 queries per day, would the Appwrite server be able to handle or do I need to self-host? Could you please share more about the load balancing and what all can I expect from the Appwrite Cloud in terms of query handling?

When I open the Appwrite cloud console and open the database, collections, etc., the loading speed was very slow (after the website had loaded). What can be done about this? - Any ideas?


18 Dec, 2023, 21:49

Appwrite Cloud will handle any scale, depending on your pricing plan.

I can't share details about our infrastructure.

We plan to look into performance improvements soon

19 Dec, 2023, 07:14

Hey there 👋

We have been doing some maintenance on Appwrite Cloud in past weeks, causing some of the slowness and a few unexpected 5min downtimes. We made proper reports of those and will change processes to prevent them in future.

I understand it feels frustrating to deploy a finished product and hear complains which you dont have control to resolve. We are doing all we can to provide the best Cloud possible at all times. We recently onboarded more engineers to our Cloud solution to ensure we have better timezone coverage for when things go wrong. We also recently updated our uptime monitoring to be warned before downtime.

Cloud is still in Beta, meaning things can go wrong from time to time, but I would personally recommend sticking with Cloud. Self-hosting will be more expensive for starting projects, and there is a lot of maintenance around having latest version, complying with necessary policies or setting it up in general.

Tanmay Juneja
19 Dec, 2023, 16:08

Thanks a lot @Meldiron ! The answer really helps a lot. 🙂


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