
Server Error on only 1 Collection

  • 0
  • Flutter
16 Dec, 2023, 20:08

I recently created a new collection, added all my attributes and tries to save to it. Initially I got an error about permissions which told me I was at least pointed at the right collection. I updated the permissions and now my catch appwriteexception always just returns Server Error when I try to post something to the collection.

message: Server Error, 
code: 500, 
type: general_unknown, 
version: 0.11.57} 

general_unknown: #0 ClientMixin.prepareResponse (package:appwrite/src/client_mixin.dart:73:9)```

- I have gone through and triple checked every single attribute is typed properly and exists.
- I can manually add items to the collection using the UI without issue.

[SOLVED] Caused a single letter typo in one attribute. If you have this problem, make sure you Ctrl F and search for every single key as its written in your code. Appwrite, it would be helpful if instead of just a generic server error, it said attribute error.
Issue: The user encountered a server error when trying to post something to a specific collection in their app. Solution: The problem was caused by a typo in one of the attributes of the collection. By ensuring that all attribute keys are typed correctly in the code, the error was resolved. It would be helpful if the error message provided more specific information about the attribute error.

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