
Users Permissions Bug

  • 1
  • Users
  • Databases
  • Apple
16 Dec, 2023, 11:14

in the appwrite console i can add multiple users to read permission of db document but when im trying to implement that in apple-appwrtie-sdk thats crash its a bug ? for example i have two users -> user1_ID = "a1", user2_ID = "a2" i use database.createDocument(databaseId:"databaseId",collectionID:"collectionID",documentID:ID.unieqe() ,Data:[data...], Permissions:[, ) ]) error : the bug Permissions must be one of: (any, users, user:user1_ID, user:user1_ID/verified, users/verified, label:admin)

In the appwrite console, I can add multiple users to have read permission for a database document. However, when I try to implement this using the Apple Appwrite SDK, it crashes. It seems to be a bug. For example, I have two users with IDs "a1" and "a2". I use the `database.createDocument` function with the appropriate parameters, including the permissions for the users. However, I receive an error message saying that the permissions must be one of the following: any, users, user:user1_ID, user:user1_ID/verified, users/verified, or label:admin. Currently

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