
Stream<RealtimeMessage> subscription returns null everytime.

  • 0
  • Databases
  • Flutter
  • Realtime
14 Dec, 2023, 17:56

I have a working stream for one of my collections, but setting up the second one never works. Logging for my first stream that works look like:

First Stream: Instance of '_BroadcastStream<RealtimeMessage>'
I/flutter (24668): AppwriteRealtime: Allow self-signed certificate
I/flutter (24668): subscription: wss://************

I can see the subscription activated and it works as intended. On the second one, I am following the exact same process and just feeding a different collection:

  Stream<RealtimeMessage> getLatestProfile() {
    final stream = _realTime.subscribe([
    print('Stream $stream');
    return stream;

Second Stream: Instance of '_BroadcastStream<RealtimeMessage>'
I/flutter (24668): AppwriteRealtime: Allow self-signed certificate
I/flutter (24668): subscription: null

The subscription just returns null everytime. Not sure if it matters, but I have confirmed both collections have the same permissions, and ensured I don't have any typos and the database/collection Ids are infact correct, I've even tried hard coding them.

TL;DR: The user is experiencing an issue where the subscription to a second stream returns null every time. The user has tried creating multiple instances and using a workaround, but the issue persists. It seems to be a bug with the flutter SDK. The user has provided code snippets and links to relevant resources.
14 Dec, 2023, 18:21

FYI, it's best to wrap code in backticks to format a bit nicer. You can use 1 backtick for inline code ( and 3 backticks for multiline code (

14 Dec, 2023, 18:24

There's a bug with the flutter SDK and making multiple subscribe calls

14 Dec, 2023, 18:44

It looks like this has been an active bug since June, half a year is quite some time. I tried the work around of created a second instance and that did solve the problem, so it's definitely this issue.

15 Dec, 2023, 12:54

What was your work around. I myself am struggling with this

15 Dec, 2023, 18:05

I posted the solution, it's just to create a second instance. In my case, I have like 5 different instances now that I have numbered sort of annoying but it works.

15 Dec, 2023, 22:03

Odd, even separate instances are not particularly reliable for me. I chalked it up to single websocket being disrupted if I add new instances so I currently have just one that includes everything I want yo monitor and if(event) everywhere I use the trigger..


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