
Not getting search result

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-N I N J A-
14 Dec, 2023, 11:02

I need to search: When I was young, to get that doc

The user is having issues with getting search results in an app using Appwrite. They mention stop words and the length of search terms affecting the results. They also ask how to ignore stop words in Appwrite. In response, a link is provided for more information on stop words in MySQL. It is mentioned that some words are ignored because they are stop words or too short. The user confirms a problem with certain keywords not producing results. The solution provided is to search using individual words rather than a full phrase.
14 Dec, 2023, 11:28

Did your search include the comma? Also, with FTS the matching is done by words and passing in "When I was" matches any document containing any of the words (i.e When, I and was) in the relevant attribute. Partial matches only works if there's only one word in the search term matching any document with any word starting with the query word. E.g. ID | name 1 | Jane Doe 2 | John Doe 3 | Janet Armstrong'name', "Jane") => Matches 1,3 (matches both Jane and Janet becuase there is a single word in the query thus partial prefix match works)'name', "Janet Doe") => Matches 1,2,3 (1,2 matched by Doe and 3 by Janet)'name', "Jane Doe" => Matches 1,2 (doesn't match 3 because there are two words in the query and Jane doesn't match Janet fully)

-N I N J A-
14 Dec, 2023, 15:53

Also searching : "When", still not getting that doc, do it yourself sir

-N I N J A-
14 Dec, 2023, 15:54

No comma included

-N I N J A-
14 Dec, 2023, 15:58

Same to all these keywords: When - total:0 I - total:0 Was - total:0

But searching: "Young" - total:1, got this doc. Why this happening 😭

14 Dec, 2023, 16:09

Ok, will test it out

14 Dec, 2023, 16:41

Yes, I can confirm this problem. I'm not sure if some words are sanitised. At first I thought it might have been a length of characters issue but it's not. The issue is also not limited to those words. Hopefully a core member can better explain what's going.

14 Dec, 2023, 17:13

What was the match for "Young"?

-N I N J A-
14 Dec, 2023, 17:18

Yes, for young I am getting the expected doc, eg. {$id..., text: When I was young I used to think that USB is a country next to USAπŸ˜‚}

14 Dec, 2023, 17:27

When is ignored because it's a stopword I is ignored because it's too short Was is ignored because it's too short

-N I N J A-
14 Dec, 2023, 17:30

Also not getting result, when I am searching: "When I was"

Then how can i ignore stopwords in appwrite?

-N I N J A-
14 Dec, 2023, 17:32

I mean how can allow users to also search stopwords combination?

14 Dec, 2023, 17:36

I have an example with 'saw' and that worked so is the length dynamic?

14 Dec, 2023, 17:43

I'm confused because searching for 'a' worked (kind of). Btw I'm using the cli to test.

14 Dec, 2023, 17:43

Actually min length is 3 so that's why saw worked

14 Dec, 2023, 17:46

'a' is listed as a stopword but somehow works (again kind of) ...weird

14 Dec, 2023, 17:47

Thanks for the link though

14 Dec, 2023, 17:47

So what gets sent to the DB is a* so whatever words that start with a will be matched. You won't get a result with only a, though. Or even aw because aw is too short

-N I N J A-
14 Dec, 2023, 17:48

So appwrite follows MySQL rules

14 Dec, 2023, 17:50

Ok, makes sense. I'd have to test it more to understand fully. I was alread aware query* was being performed but not about the stop words and length

14 Dec, 2023, 17:51

Yes, appwrite uses mariaDB which is basically the same as MySQL (from the little I've read)

14 Dec, 2023, 17:52

I think you would have to find a way to encode the stop words in such a way that you can still perform a search on them

14 Dec, 2023, 17:53

Maybe hashing them in some way


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