Hi, Im new to appwrite i'm currently exploring appwrite cloud beta, try to add custom domain in settings and used a subdomain which is configured using cloudflare, everything except 'signin with github' working perfectly , when i try to sign in with github on dashboard it returns -- "This site can’t be reached The webpage at https://cloud.appwrite.io/v1/vcs/github/callback?error=redirect_uri_mismatch&error_description=The+redirect_uri+MUST+match+the+registered+callback+URL+for+this+application.&error_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fdocs.github.com%2Fapps%2Fmanaging-oauth-apps%2Ftroubleshooting-authorization-request-errors%2F%23redirect-uri-mismatch&state=%7B"success"%3A"https%3A%5C%2F%5C%2Fappwrite.example.com"%2C"failure"%3A"https%3A%5C%2F%5C%2Fappwrite.example.com"%7D might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address. ERR_FAILED" why is this happening, any solution to make it work
Looks like you haven’t configured the callback URLs in GitHub with your custom domain
can you pls give more info into this
VCS GitHub? What are you doing exactly? You're trying to add GitHub login in your app?
no, i'm trying to access the dashboard , i can login using email and password, but when i use github login in dashboard i get this error
👀 uhh what? Are you self-hosting or is this is on https://cloud.appwrite.io?
its not self hosted, its on appwrite cloud, i add a my custom domain in settings of appwrite cloud then i clicked on url after verification, it takes me to dashboard login page (through my custom url - custom url is showing instead of cloud.appwrite.io in chrome) when i click on github login which is on the dashboard login page i get the above error. Normal login using email & password is working
It’s not going to be possible to sign into Appwrite with a custom domain, as you have no way to add your custom domain as a valid Callback URL to Appwrite’s GitHub application.
I’m a bit confused about what’s going on here still, though
Ohhh wait. Yeah, the Custom Domain is for you to use as the Endpoint in development. You shouldn’t really attempt to use the Console via the Custom Domain - I’d expect things to break in interesting ways…
I was also surprised when i saw github login through my custom domain, but i thought appwrite somehow managed to make it work, thanks for clearing the confusion, btw is it ok to login and use dashboard through custom domain instead of cloud.appwrite.io
No, you should be using cloud.appwrite.io. were probably going to prevent accessing the console with a custom domain eventually
Maybe Appwrite shouldn’t allow access to the console from any address other than _APP_DOMAIN
That is the plan
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