I wrote a bug in appwrite SDK but nothing happened ( https://github.com/appwrite/sdk-for-flutter/issues/183) It' s not possible to compile a project with appwrite SDK for flutter for macos target. I don't know how to solve it. Thank you
This doesn't looks an appwrite issue at all
Are you using device_info_plus package?
No ,to avoid any problem with others packages, I created an empty flutter project with Android, Ios and macos target and I have only a problem with macOs.
And do you get any different error?
When the project is empty with only appwrite?
No, I don't get any different error. In my real project with a lot of dependencies and in an empty project ( basic flutter project template) with only appwrite package in yaml, I have the same error with pod version and the package flutter_web_auth_2 and device_info_plus. May be because I'm on mac arm64 and these 2 package are in conflict with pod version?
Did you update the deployment target for your project? It's not just in the Podfile
OK I'll close the bug. I change all deployment target for Runner etc for 10.15 and it works. Thank you
[SOLVED] Error with flutter SDK for macOs target
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