Hello, I am trying to create collections with the Appwrite CLI, but I can't manage to find the right format for permissions :
appwrite databases createCollection --databaseId "my_database_id" --collectionId "my_collection_id" --name "My Collection" --permissions "read"
I get either :
✗ Error Invalid permissions: Invalid permission string format: "read".
or :
✗ Error Invalid permissions: Permission "Permission.read(Role.any())" is not allowed. Must be one of: create, read, update, delete, write.
How can I set my permissions with the correct roles? In a more general matter, is there any documentation on Appwrite CLI commands, with examples and correct formats for Windows cmd/powershell?
Thanks in advance fellow appwriters!
This is how you can achieve it. Note that for flags that are arrays (e.g permissions and queries) just append the same flag with additional values.
appwrite databases createCollection --databaseId "db_id' --collectionId "collection_id" --name "new collection" --permissions="create(\"any\")" --permissions="read(\"any\")"
Thanks a lot for your reply!
For me it worked with the following format:
appwrite databases createCollection --databaseId "my_database_id" --collectionId "my_collection_id" --name "My Collection" --permissions 'create(\"any\")' --permissions 'read(\"any\")'
I've been stuck for a long time on arrays and I solved it like that (just appending additional values next to the first one, separated by a space):
appwrite projects createKey --projectId "test_project_id" --name "test_project_api_key" --scopes "users.read" "users.write" "teams.read" "teams.write" "databases.read" "databases.write" "collections.read" "collections.write" "attributes.read" "attributes.write"
Yeah, I've also been stumped with the arrays for a while now. I plan on contributing a few examples to the cli docs because it sorely lacks it.
FYI, there's an example of how to pass arrays (specifically permissions) under Usage of the readme: https://github.com/appwrite/sdk-for-cli/tree/master?tab=readme-ov-file#usage
[SOLVED] Appwrite CLI: How to add permissions to a collection
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