When i want to create new document, i face with this problem but i check when creating document is not wrong. Please help me this case!
when i create new document which have the related collection, how do i add the related collection to my model.
Cloud or self-hosted?
I use the same data to create in the server side and it work
But in flutter app it throw 500 server error
Probably a permission error. What's your project id?
This is my project id
I already set user permission to all my collection
But i add one collection as one way relationship for two other collection so i dont know is it the reason?
would you please share your code?
i see some problem with a 'reactions' attribute
or 'comment_d'
Oke sir
ak i have check again
it is my fault
I create my model but not add the relationship in the console so it not work for me
my problem has solved.
Thank you so much
let me close this issue
[SOLVED] AppwriteException: general_unknown, Server Error (500)
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