Using health endpoint in flutter.
I am currently contributing to an open source project and i need to check the status of the appwrite instance wether it is active or not but i am unable to access the health endpoint.
try {
final health = await getRealtime().health();
print('Appwrite is active: ${health.status}');
return health;
} on AppwriteException catch (e) {
print('Error checking Appwrite health: $e');
throw e;
> and i get this error :-
> The method 'health' isn't defined for the type 'Realtime'.
if I am doing wrong then can you tell me how really to proceed.
yes...that doesn't exist. Not sure where you saw that's available
So can you tell me what can I do actually the owner of the repository wants that I first that the appwrite instance is active then continue to the regular flow of the app otherwise show a error screen
What repo?
He says he's contributing to an open source project
Pretty rudimentary but can you have a resource with global read which you can fetch on startup. Thus, if successfully fetched (appwrite instance is good) else otherwise
That is what I can do thankyou I will proceed this way only.
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