
I cant receive realtime

  • 0
  • Realtime
  • Cloud
Mosh Ontong
4 Dec, 2023, 17:58

I already received a realtime connection in my appwrite console:

void subscribe() {
    final subscription2 = AppwriteClient.instance.realtime.subscribe(
        // ignore: lines_longer_than_80_chars
    ); {
      print('event $event');
    // _subscription = ref
    //     .read(consultationRepoProvider)
    //     .getConsultationLogStream()
    //     .listen((consultationLog) => _consultationLogListener(consultationLog),
    //         onError: _consultationErrorListener, cancelOnError: true);

But still I cant receive any data

Issue: The user is unable to receive realtime data in their app after the screen has been idle for a few minutes. They have already tried refreshing the screen to reconnect to realtime. Solution: It seems that the user has already established a realtime connection successfully using the provided code. However, they are not receiving any data. Further troubleshooting or assistance from the support team may be required to resolve this issue.
4 Dec, 2023, 18:20

First time you establish the connection you don't get any data

4 Dec, 2023, 18:22

Once you have an active realtime connection, then you start receiving changes

4 Dec, 2023, 22:47

@Mosh Ontong Was that your issue or you still don't receive anything after the connection is stabilised and a change is performed meanwhile the connection is alive?

Mosh Ontong
5 Dec, 2023, 00:17

I received already but sometimes qhen the app screen stayed atleast 3 to 5 monites the realtime connection is not working again I need to refresh my screen so that it will reconnect to realtime

Mosh Ontong
5 Dec, 2023, 00:25

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