
Attribute with the requested ID already exists while using ID.unique()

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3 Dec, 2023, 23:27

I keep getting this error when creating a document. AppwriteException [Error]: Attribute with the requested ID already exists. Try again with a different ID or use "unique()" to generate a unique ID.

This is the line of code that is breaking ``` const data = { Email: Email, accountId: accountId, collectionId: collection.$id, };

let dataLink = await databases.createDocument( "64502243369b884d71f8", "647295a5228d3bd685da", ID.unique(), data );``` Here is the imports

import { PUBLIC_API_ENDPOINT, PUBLIC_PROJECT_ID } from "$env/static/public";
import { PRIVATE_API_KEY } from "$env/static/private";```
The user is encountering an error "Attribute with the requested ID already exists" while trying to create a document. The code they provided includes the use of `ID.unique()`. The solution suggested by the error message is to either use a different ID or utilize the `unique()` function to generate a unique ID.

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