
[Solved] Cannot Create Document

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  • Functions
2 Dec, 2023, 20:20

Hello! I have tried to create a document but I keep getting the following error in my nodejs function

"UserEmailHere (role: users) missing scope ("

I still get this error after creating the database and collection and setting permissions for the collection to "All Users". I also used the .setJWT(jwtToken). The collection ID is "1"

Here is my code: const db = await database.createDocument("databaseIDHere",'1',ID.unique(),{ 'clockIn', 'clockOut' Date(2023,12,2,15), 'userId':user.$id }) return res.json(JSON.stringify({ db }))

Thanks in advance

I received an error while trying to create a document in my Node.js function. The error states that the user is missing the scope "" even though I have created the database, collection, and set permissions. The collection ID is "1". Can someone please help? Solution: The issue was with the Date code. It should be corrected to "new Date(" instead of just "".
2 Dec, 2023, 20:44

The solution is new Date( Everything in appwrite was correct. I just got the Date code messed up. I set the type on the collection to be a Date type. returns a number

2 Dec, 2023, 20:46

[Solved] Cannot Create Document

2 Dec, 2023, 21:23

The key thing is to send a iso formatted string. I guess JavaScript converts date objects to that automatically

2 Dec, 2023, 21:39

Thank you


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