
Create a special array

  • 0
  • Databases
1 Dec, 2023, 21:37

Hi. Right now i am creating a small db for my pet project and i need to create a collection of my "products". In each of products i need an array +w some objects, but when i try to add an atribute i have to choose type of it, and i don't see an array, only string->array or int->array. Help me)

The user wants to create a special array for their pet project. They are trying to add an attribute to the products but are unable to find an option for an array type. One possible solution is to use a relationship attribute with a one-to-many relationship.
Mosh Ontong
1 Dec, 2023, 23:35

you said that with some objects? which means your object has properties like color, size, and etc? If this correct I prefer to use relationship attributes and this must be a One to many

Mosh Ontong
1 Dec, 2023, 23:37

A product can contain a many object while object must belong to one product. This makes an array for your relationship

2 Dec, 2023, 09:21

Yes, thanks, it looks like I wanted it to. I will definitely try it today


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