
[SOLVED] Multi Appwrite instances or one?

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Magi of Fire
27 Nov, 2023, 20:00

hi, i love Appwrite idea,

i have a question, so, i will be definitely self-hosting the app, but i have a question.

i will be building very heavy traffic web apps that would contain like millions of documents.

so, is it better to have a different instance of Appwrite for each heavy app or have them all in one application.

i am just looking for maintainability and continuity.

if i went to one single instance approach, is there a way to limit or increase resources for a specific project ?

and all those projects will be hosted in just a single mariadb instance and not multiple ones?


The user is asking whether it is better to have separate instances of Appwrite for each heavy app or one instance for all of them. They also inquire if it is possible to limit or increase resources for a specific project and if all projects will be hosted in a single MariaDB instance. The response suggests that for high availability, it's best to have one Appwrite instance for each platform. However, for development purposes, using only one instance that holds all projects is sufficient. It is not possible to limit resources for a specific project. When scaling, it is recommended to have a dedicated cluster for the database.
27 Nov, 2023, 20:20

Appwrite was designed to be 1 instance w/ multiple projects. Up to you on scaling, though.

No, you can't limit resources for a particular project.

1 instance of Appwrite = 1 database instance. When scaling, though, it is best to have a dedicated cluster for your database.

27 Nov, 2023, 20:25

If you really would like to use Appwrite to the backend for several heavily used platforms then at this stage I think it's more optimal to run multiple instances, one for each platform. Some part of Appwrite isn't scalable efficiently

Magi of Fire
28 Nov, 2023, 20:31

Thank you both for answering the question.

I will go with the second approach (appwrite instance for each platform) as high availability for each platform is required for me.

But for developing purposes i will only use one instance that holds all projects

30 Nov, 2023, 18:07

[SOLVED] Multi Appwrite instances or one?


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