I am asking here because I’m really stuck. So I am self hosting an instance of AppWrite on my Linode, following this —> ( https://medium.com/@stnguyen90/how-to-run-appwrite-behind-nginx-19348ed34243 ), I have an AppWrite reverse proxy at api.mydomain.com . I have my flutter build/web files uploaded directly to my server as I don’t want to run flutter/dart on my instance but rather on my machine/laptop. How can I use nginx proxy manager to run my flutter app on web for mydomain.com. ? How do I dockerize the build files (index.html) for flutter web, or can this only be done by creating a Dockerfile and building the full web project?
Honestly, it's probably better to use some static hosting provider to serve your front end because they have a CDN and maybe edge deployments.
If you really want to run your front end on your server, you can dockerize it using any web server. I like serve.
Here's a tutorial using python: https://blog.logrocket.com/containerizing-flutter-web-apps-with-docker/
Here's another using nginx: https://hasnainm.hashnode.dev/flutter-web-app-to-a-docker-container
Thank you Steven! I will definitely check those out. I’m still learning, so I really appreciate it!
I have nothing else to add, feel free to close 🙂
[SOLVED] Dockerize Flutter Web App. (NPM).
FYI, you can also update the post title to prefix it with [SOLVED]
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