i om on the way opening it 😉
ahhh ja, i've been there, its a good starting point, but there is right away after you are starting coding, the next trap - they are making use of the anonymous account - which has another flow than using the email session
which @fafa for sure is also aware of, as I understood from his/her last posts 😉
Yeah, I researched a lot and this is so far what been working well for me.
Just make sure you use the cookie header instead of using the actual cookie in requests, like this:
import { NextResponse } from "next/server";
import { headers } from "next/headers";
export const runtime = "edge";
export async function GET(request) {
try {
const headersList = headers();
const cookieHeader = headersList.get("cookie");
// Assume the last segment of the URL is the user ID
const galleryId = request.url.split("/").pop();
// Construct the URL for the external fetch
const fetchURL = `${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL}/v1/databases/65527f2aafa5338cdb57/collections/655cb829dbf6102f2436/documents/${galleryId}`;
const response = await fetch(fetchURL, {
method: "GET",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"X-Appwrite-Project": `${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_APPWRITE_PROJECT_ID}`,
"X-Appwrite-Response-Format": "1.4.0",
Cookie: cookieHeader,
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error("Failed to fetch data");
const data = await response.json();
return NextResponse.json(data, { status: 200 });
} catch (error) {
return NextResponse.json(error.message, { status: 500 });
Because the session cookie is (and should be) HTTPOnly and Secure, so you cannot read the cookie 🙂
Did you read the readme?
so @fafa ...that means you are also using your app on the same base-domain, like the one your self-hosted appwrite instance is running on...?
It's the same idea, just different API call
i'll have a check again right now
My appwrite instance is not on the same domain. It doesn't need to be either 😄
i thought so, as far as i understood the code and docs, but @Drake you just mentioned it should....or did i missunderstand you?
Well, not for my case, that is.
The most important part is having the platform added (web) so the api calls work
I do use a custom domain using a subdomain, but it also works going directly to my other main domain :)
so @Drake you was stating that both apps have to be on the same main domain, meaning one could be on the domain, and one on some subdomain should be okay?
the emote steven 💀 what does that even mean <:1lolol:638463120632709144>
Yes, that's okay. Like Appwrite custom domain at appwrite.example.com and your nextjs running on example.com
This domain, that domain. It's confusing without details
This is explained in the readme
okay, understand - but on the other hand, if I have my client calling/requesting a nextjs route, which then calls the appwrite api, and receives the email/session cookies including the hash from the api, and then returning the response (including the just received header/cookie object) to the client, which in turn saves the two "a_session_..." cookies to the browser - would not that be completely okay, also if the appwrite api runs on any other domain, as long as the domain name is saved as the value to the "domain"-key inside of the above mentioned cookies? Becaus then, any call from this domain, should be able to read the cookies, if the client does a request directly to this domain...?
or am I missing some part...
It's a little confusing and hard to understand without concrete examples of domains...
What you should do, is create custom domain called for example api.nextjs.com, where your project page would be nextjs.com. This is the best way
i'll give it a try, and get back to you! Thank you both!
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