
Docker warning after restore a backup

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26 Nov, 2023, 08:24
WARN[0000] volume "appwrite_appwrite-influxdb" already exists but was not created by Docker Compose. Use `external: true` to use an existing volume```
where should I set this?
The user receives a warning message after restoring a backup in Docker. The warning suggests adding "external: true" to the volume section in the docker compose file. The user confirms that they have already done this. Another user asks if the backup was restored on a server that had Appwrite installed previously. The user is unsure. Another user suggests that the warning may be caused by an old Appwrite image that needs to be deleted before restoring. The user provides a link to a relevant GitHub gist. The warning messages are then shown, indicating that multiple volumes already exist but were not created by Docker Compose. The user confirms that the warning is
26 Nov, 2023, 08:25

How did you got this error?

26 Nov, 2023, 08:26

after I restored a backup.

26 Nov, 2023, 08:27

How did you have restored the backup?

26 Nov, 2023, 08:27

I mean, command

26 Nov, 2023, 08:27

Actually, it shows:

WARN[0000] volume "appwrite_appwrite-builds" already exists but was not created by Docker Compose. Use `external: true` to use an existing volume
WARN[0000] volume "appwrite_appwrite-functions" already exists but was not created by Docker Compose. Use `external: true` to use an existing volume
WARN[0000] volume "appwrite_appwrite-redis" already exists but was not created by Docker Compose. Use `external: true` to use an existing volume

WARN[0000] volume "appwrite_appwrite-config" already exists but was not created by Docker Compose. Use `external: true` to use an existing volume
WARN[0000] volume "appwrite_appwrite-mariadb" already exists but was not created by Docker Compose. Use `external: true` to use an existing volume
WARN[0000] volume "appwrite_appwrite-uploads" already exists but was not created by Docker Compose. Use `external: true` to use an existing volume
WARN[0000] volume "appwrite_appwrite-certificates" already exists but was not created by Docker Compose. Use `external: true` to use an existing volume
WARN[0000] volume "appwrite_appwrite-cache" already exists but was not created by Docker Compose. Use `external: true` to use an existing volume

WARN[0000] volume "appwrite_appwrite-influxdb" already exists but was not created by Docker Compose. Use `external: true` to use an existing volume```
26 Nov, 2023, 08:28

I see. That explains it

26 Nov, 2023, 08:33

My server is currently operating smoothly. However, when I attempt to restart it, issues arise.

26 Nov, 2023, 08:33

Not sure about this, but looks like it's caused because old appwrite image has not been deleted so it will be needed to delete it and restoring. Not sure about the steps

26 Nov, 2023, 15:52

Did you restore this backup on a server which had Appwrite installed at some point in the past?

26 Nov, 2023, 16:52

That's what the user did

26 Nov, 2023, 23:42


27 Nov, 2023, 00:27

In the docker compose file look for the volume section (near the bottom) and in there find the mentioned volume. Then you can add that external: true there, but pay attention to the indentation


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