
Document Error

  • 0
  • Databases
24 Nov, 2023, 11:59

Can't see overview, data and activity

The poster is experiencing issues with setting up a relationship attribute. They want the attribute to automatically delete other documents (cascade) but are unsure if changing an attribute from not an array to an array would solve the problem. They also ask if anyone can spot any errors in the console and provide attribute details. They mention that they are unable to see the overview, data, and activity. Solution: No solution is provided in the thread.
24 Nov, 2023, 12:12

Hey 👋 Hmm, this looks rare. Can you please share your attributes here? THat might help investigate the issue. cc @Torsten Dittmann

24 Nov, 2023, 12:13

Also if you can spot any errors in console (right click -> inspect element -> console), it would be great if you shared that with us

24 Nov, 2023, 12:24


24 Nov, 2023, 14:57

Did you change an attribute to make it from not an array to an array?

24 Nov, 2023, 22:48

I didn't, just trying to do relationship attribute. Was giving issues.

Wanted making it auto delete for other documents (cascade)


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