
Cannot Access Appwrite Server after Upgrade

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  • Self Hosted
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  • General
24 Nov, 2023, 10:58

Hello, i've recently upgraded our self hosted appwrite instance from v1.3.8 to v1.4.9 and did the migration. Our Appwrite instance is using a custom port mapping, and before the upgrade we can access the dashboard by just going to

the cli also is now not working. When checking the docker appwrite container logs i get: is not a publicly accessible domain. Skipping SSL certificate generation.

some notables variables defined in my .env as follows:

User upgraded their self-hosted Appwrite instance from v1.3.8 to v1.4.9. After the upgrade, they cannot access the dashboard using their custom port mapping. The CLI is also not working. They checked the container logs and found an error saying the IP is not a publicly accessible domain. They have defined some variables in their .env file. They also shared a diff of their docker-compose.yml file. User wants to access the dashboard from a different port like they were before. They tried mapping traefik ports to 80 and 443 but still cannot access the dashboard. They asked why their domain
24 Nov, 2023, 14:45

Btw, it's best to use 3 back ticks with multi-line code. See

24 Nov, 2023, 14:46

Why are your domain variables blank?

What happens when you try to access Appwrite?

24 Nov, 2023, 19:45

I initially had it to something like


then removed it to test since I was thinking i supposedly only needed to access it from localhost. just now I put the domain variables back and tried to map traefik ports to 80:80 & 443:443 but still can't access dashboard

24 Nov, 2023, 19:58

okay, it just took a while but it now works when we exposed 80 and 443, but we wanted to access the dashboard from another port - like how we were doing it before

24 Nov, 2023, 20:20

i highly suggest accessing appwrite on the standard ports. Doing otherwise may run into problems

24 Nov, 2023, 20:21

but if you really want to...what did you put in your docker-compose.yml file?

24 Nov, 2023, 20:21

also is a domain? If so, you should set the DOMAIN env vars

24 Nov, 2023, 20:47

the is an ipv4 ip btw, so before we could access the dashboard just by going to so i've also now set the DOMAIN env vars and here is a diff on my docker-compose.yml

24 Nov, 2023, 20:55

Ahh the reason is we needed the ports for our NextJs server, then our NextJs server access appwrite on the custom port


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