
Execute runtime method error

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  • Functions
  • Cloud
20 Nov, 2023, 05:36

An internal curl error has occurred while starting runtime! Error Msg: Docker Error: docker: Error response from daemon: Conflict. The container name "/exc4-winner-app-654df2415e477140098d" is already in use by container "54b66ac1fcbeee29358fe8bfe5ce038ddff182ecdca6ba92c1004dc9d0f1ee94". You have to remove (or rename) that container to be able to reuse that name. See 'docker run --help'. \nError Code: 500

The user encountered a runtime method error that suddenly appeared. They asked if they can just wait for it to be fixed. The support team responded that they may need to remove the runtime container causing the error and provided a link with instructions. There was discussion about potential container name conflicts and whether the error happens consistently or intermittently. The error message indicates that there is a conflict with the container name and suggests removing or renaming the conflicting container. The error code is 500.
20 Nov, 2023, 19:23

Does it ever work or does this error only happen sometimes?

21 Nov, 2023, 00:30

It was running normally before, but yesterday I found that the execution failed.

21 Nov, 2023, 00:31
21 Nov, 2023, 03:10

@joser Are you on cloud?

21 Nov, 2023, 03:10

@Meldiron Could we run into container name conflicts? 👀 Do we check?

21 Nov, 2023, 05:20

Yes, I use Appwrite Cloud

21 Nov, 2023, 13:28

Hmm we have done multiple adjustments to prevent this 🤔 @Drake can you think of a scenario when this could happen?

21 Nov, 2023, 20:40
22 Nov, 2023, 05:36

I don’t need to do anything, can I just wait for you to fix it?


22 Nov, 2023, 13:09

Not sure if you can do anything. Probably Appwrite team will apply a fix soon

23 Nov, 2023, 00:48

This runtime method has been deployed for several days, and has not been updated and deployed subsequently. Suddenly this error appeared



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