
general error, linking appwrite to github

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Mr genius
17 Nov, 2023, 09:38

when trying to configure appwrite to github, i am getting the error :

{"message":"Server Error","code":500,"type":"general_unknown","version":"1.4.12"}

i am not sure what this error means and where its coming from, anyone with an idea?

User is experiencing a general error while trying to link Appwrite to GitHub. They are unsure of the cause of the error and are seeking assistance. Possible solution: Double check if there are 2 callback URLs in the GitHub app settings, as mentioned in the Appwrite documentation. Also, ensure that all the environment variables are properly set up. Additionally, provide the output from `docker compose logs appwrite` for further investigation.
17 Nov, 2023, 12:05

Can you show the output from docker compose logs appwrite

17 Nov, 2023, 12:05

maybe there is more information there

17 Nov, 2023, 12:05

di you set up all the env vars?

17 Nov, 2023, 13:36

Also, can you double check you have 2 callback URLs in your GitHub app settings in the same order as the docs?


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