
account.get() in server function does not get user from react

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16 Nov, 2023, 23:03

frontend:React backend: nodejs

Main Issue: I have the user logged in in React and call a server function. On the serverside nodejs function I call await account.get() but it isn't detecting the logged in user.

I call the function in react using: await functions.createExecution(functionId) Permissions: I have allowed users to use the function in the Execute Access settings of the function and selected "Users"

Result of the server function after calling it :" User (role: guests) missing scope (account)

I am new to Appwrite so maybe I am missing something. Thanks in advance

The user is not being detected when calling `account.get()` in the server function. The user ID can be retrieved from the JWT token passed in the headers. Set the JWT token using `setJWT()` instead of `setKey()`. Also, make sure that the user has the necessary scope (account) and the function has the correct permissions. Double-check that the `APPWRITE_ENDPOINT` is set correctly.
17 Nov, 2023, 03:25

Did you do anything else before account.get()? How are you setting the user?

18 Nov, 2023, 23:00

@Steven I use import { Account, Client } from 'node-appwrite'; and initialize the client and account like this: const client = new Client(); client .setEndpoint(process.env.APPWRITE_ENDPOINT) .setProject(process.env.APPWRITE_FUNCTION_PROJECT_ID) .setKey(process.env.APPWRITE_API_KEY);

const account = new Account(client); and then I do: try { // Get user details to check authentication const user = await account.get();

// If user details are received, the user is authenticated
return res.json(JSON.stringify({ authenticated: true, user }));

} catch (err) { // If there's an error or user details are not received, the user is not authenticated return res.json(JSON.stringify({ authenticated: false, error: err.message })); }

18 Nov, 2023, 23:09

The env variable APPWRITE_ENDPOINT is my private ip address 192.168.1.x. I also set my APPWRITE_API_KEY and PROJECT_ID in the console. My react app APPWRITE_ENDPOINT is also set to the same private ip address. I tried using http://localhost/v1 in my server function but I kept getting a connection error, and had to change it to my private ip for it to work anyway I am still getting the same error: "User (role: guests) missing scope (account)"

18 Nov, 2023, 23:26

I am now getting (role: applications) missing scope (account)

18 Nov, 2023, 23:51

You can't use account.get() with an API key

18 Nov, 2023, 23:52

So when a user executes a function, a JWT token is created and passed to the function in the headers. You'll need to get that and call setJWT() instead of setKey()

18 Nov, 2023, 23:56

Thank you @Steven I will try that.

19 Nov, 2023, 00:07

@Steven how would I retrieve the user ID after setting the JWT token?

19 Nov, 2023, 00:07

If you only need the user id, there's a header with that already.

19 Nov, 2023, 00:08

yeah, but if I want to get the user ID from the JWT token to make sure it is the right user

19 Nov, 2023, 00:08

btw, thanks for your help 🙂

19 Nov, 2023, 00:09

It will be the right user.

But how does a user get their user id in general (let's say client side)?

19 Nov, 2023, 00:11

I dont know 🙂 I am just starting, but I will have to make some queries that belong on the user relation


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