
Is there a way to get the count of a collection instead of retrieving all of the data?

  • 0
  • Databases
16 Nov, 2023, 11:35

Something on the lines of

db = Databases(client)
db.count_documents(database_id, collection_id, queries=queries)
You can use the `count_documents` method to get the count of a collection instead of retrieving all of the data. This method works for collections with less than 5000 documents. Just query all documents and limit the response to 1 document. In the response, you will find a property called `` which provides the total number of documents in that collection. Here's an example code snippet: ``` db = Databases(client) db.count_documents(database_id, collection_id, queries=queries) ```
16 Nov, 2023, 20:38

just query all documents then limit to 1 document. in the response you will get a thats the total number of documents in that collection

16 Nov, 2023, 20:38

But this works on only documents less than 5000


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