
Whitelist function IP or domain

  • 0
  • Functions
Suchyy SaiyajiN
15 Nov, 2023, 08:56

Hi, I have question about function domains. In function I need to call some external api which has strict access rules. I have to add domain or IP of the request source to whitelist. I see that every function has its own domain and I can call this function by this domain. I tried to add this domain to whitelist but I still have access denied.

I would like to confirm that the request is send from this enlisted domain in dashboard to narrow down where mistake is. Is the execution performed on this domain or domain is only for call to execution and it is running somewhere else?

The user is trying to whitelist the IP or domain for a function in the Appwrite cloud server. They notice that the function IP changes with every deployment. They are asking if the function is executed on the IP attached to its domain. They also want to confirm if the request is being sent from the enlisted domain in the dashboard. Solution: It is suggested to whitelist the server IP of the Appwrite cloud server. Adding the domain to the whitelist may not work.
15 Nov, 2023, 09:04

You can add server IP

Suchyy SaiyajiN
15 Nov, 2023, 09:11

I forgot to mention that I am using cloud appwrite

15 Nov, 2023, 09:22

You can whitelist appwrite cloud server IP

Suchyy SaiyajiN
15 Nov, 2023, 09:29

I got 5 IP addresses on lookup from, I know nothing about cloud appwrite server structure. Functions are executed on these IPs and always will be?

Suchyy SaiyajiN
16 Nov, 2023, 12:33

I played a little bit with functions and its seems that function ip is different from appwrite cloud server one and it is chaning with every new deloyment. Domain for function is only to trigger it, function itself is not executing on ip that is attached to that domain.


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