
Post request to function with body values shows no values.

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  • Flutter
  • Functions
13 Nov, 2023, 04:19

Hello, I am trying to pass { "myKey": "myValue" } as body to my Appwrite function yet I can't receive the values. When I send the values from dashboard values get send without a single problem but when I try to send it via postman or flutter body returns null. Can you help me out? Thanks.

User is having trouble passing a JSON object as the body to an Appwrite function. They have tried sending the values as raw body type in Postman and also with headers. The payload they tested is incorrect. The user should review the example provided in the documentation and ensure that the content-type header is set to application/json. The function URL also needs to follow the required format specified in the documentation.
13 Nov, 2023, 04:30

and this is the postman, I also tried it with headers.

13 Nov, 2023, 04:32

If you're executing the function via that url, it needs to follow the required format

13 Nov, 2023, 04:34

Also, in postman, you should probably be using raw as the body type. Also, you'll need to pass application/json for the content-type header

13 Nov, 2023, 04:35

I suppose these headers are correct

13 Nov, 2023, 04:36

and tried sending them as raw body type

13 Nov, 2023, 04:36

Again, that's the incorrect payload. Please look at the example I linked

13 Nov, 2023, 05:00

Thank you very much for your help! I finally figured out. So simple yet I somehow got lost.


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