does relationship property working the same as adding FK in another collection
await databases.CreateRelationshipAttribute( databaseId: "marvel", collectionId: "movies", relatedCollectionId: "reviews", type: "oneToMany", twoWay: true, key: "reviews", twoWayKey: "movie", onDelete: "cascade");
what is twoWay mean?
Have you read the docs?
I have read , missing some part ?
What do you mean?
I dont see the explanation of twoWay
Did you not see this?
😂 nope
so two way, it means creating from either side is the same right
Not exactly. It won't be the same for many to one or one to many. And on delete is different
oh, I tested, it is just way to config, if the info to be shown in both collection or only one collection of the relationship
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