
One books contains many authors and as well as genres, and vice versa

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  • Databases
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John L. [404]
9 Nov, 2023, 02:43

Let's say I have already implement the multi selected dropdown/combo box in React which have a genres and authors for this books, how can I do this on Appwrite? Yes, this is the first time I am going to use Appwrite but I have already implement this on MongoDB. I do have the book collections, which contains an _id, title, authors(have relations to another collection called author) and genres (same as with the authors, which have a collection called genres).

So, the question is can you help me to provide me an insights about this in appwrite like how can I do it in a more logical sense?

The user is asking for help on implementing a many-to-many relationship between books, authors, and genres in Appwrite. They have already implemented this in MongoDB and are looking for guidance on how to do it in Appwrite.
John L. [404]
9 Nov, 2023, 02:45

The image is only a sample that I have implement on MongoDB and as well as visual representation that I want to do in Appwrite

9 Nov, 2023, 10:25

You can create a many-to-many relationship between books-genres and books-authors. For the drop-downs, just pull the correct collections. You would set the connected Attribute to the $id of the Document to be connected.


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