
[SOLVED] Cookie (login)

  • 0
  • Self Hosted
  • Accounts
  • Web
29 Oct, 2023, 14:52

Please tell me what am I doing wrong? When I log into the application, I receive a cookie without the secure flag, samesite: none, which is why a backup one is set. Nextjs website on the domain, appwrite on the domain, https everywhere. (SDK Web)

The user had an issue with a cookie (login) and received helpful responses from other users. The issue was resolved by changing the configuration due to an NPM issue. The user also asked about two cookies arriving and it was confirmed that this was normal. It was recommended to ensure forwarding to the https port and to use SSL certificates. The user mentioned self-hosting and using nginx proxy manager. The user asked for clarification on traffic from NPM to Appwrite and it was confirmed that it is https. The user also asked about any mistakes they might be making regarding receiving a cookie without the secure flag. The website is built using Nextjs
29 Oct, 2023, 15:21

Backup what? Are you on appwrite cloud?

29 Oct, 2023, 15:29

appwrite hosting

29 Oct, 2023, 15:37

You're self hosting? Do you have anything in front of Appwrite like a reverse proxy?

29 Oct, 2023, 15:39

Self-hosting, I use nginx proxy manager to redirect from server:3000 to the https domain

29 Oct, 2023, 15:40

Ummm is traffic from NPM to Appwrite https?

29 Oct, 2023, 15:49

That's right, SSL certificates are installed everywhere

29 Oct, 2023, 15:51

Soo Appwrite's https port is 3000?

29 Oct, 2023, 15:57

appwrite on port 3000, if you go through server ip: 3000, then there is http.

29 Oct, 2023, 15:58

Please make sure you're forwarding to the https port

29 Oct, 2023, 16:00

Okay, thanks, I'll check it out. I'll try to start everything again now.

31 Oct, 2023, 06:21

Good afternoon, you were right, it was an NPM issue, I changed the configuration and now there is a secure flag. Please also tell me why 2 cookies arrive, is this how it should be?

31 Oct, 2023, 14:09

Yes this is correct. Legacy cookie is for legacy reasons. You can ignore it

31 Oct, 2023, 16:50

Thank you!

31 Oct, 2023, 20:34
31 Oct, 2023, 20:34

[SOLVED] Cookie (login)


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