
[SOLVED] Project custom domain verification on appwrite cloud.

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27 Oct, 2023, 17:45


I'm trying to add a custom domain to a project in the appwrite cloud. I have added the CNAME exactly as prescribed. I get "domain verification error". I don't know how to learn more about the error. Please help. Thank you in advance.

The user was attempting to add a custom domain to their project in the Appwrite cloud but encountered a "domain verification error." They were using a top-level domain instead of a subdomain, which is not supported by Appwrite. The user was not familiar with DNS and did not realize this. They have since resolved the issue and are now ready to proceed. The solution was to use a subdomain instead of a top-level domain.
27 Oct, 2023, 18:47

How long have you waited? When setting up my custom domain for cloud it took a few hours for Namecheap to update my records and Appwrite to get it.

27 Oct, 2023, 20:31

a week. πŸ™‚

27 Oct, 2023, 20:45

I have tried setting it exactly as it shows . or to use a * wildcard ...even tried @ ....and nope.

27 Oct, 2023, 21:53

so what happens when you browse to that domain?

28 Oct, 2023, 02:57

Thank you for your response

My problem was that I was actually trying to use a top level domain as the cloud, where I didn't realize that Appwrite seems to only support using subdomains.

DNS stuff is not a strength of mine, and I didn't realze this.

I'm all green now, ready to go.

28 Oct, 2023, 02:58


28 Oct, 2023, 02:59

[SOLVED] Project custom domain verification on appwrite cloud.


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