Hello I have an functions folder and in the parent directory is an shared types folder. Everytime i deploy the project it tells me ```Preparing pnpm@latest for immediate activation... ERR_PNPM_WORKSPACE_PKG_NOT_FOUND In : "types@workspace:*" is in the dependencies but no package named "types" is present in the workspace
This error happened while installing a direct dependency of /usr/local/build ``` How can i add the folder to the workspace
Your parent directory is probably not included in the code that is deployed. One way to make sure it's included is to use symlinks.
Is there an global way to do this in github? Like for Mac and Windows
It doesn't matter how it's deployed. It only matters if you have the symlinks in there
can you give me an example how i create one?
For example, this function here has a common folder that is a symlinks: https://github.com/stnguyen90/places/tree/feature/1.3-upgrade/appwrite-functions/create-photo/src
ok and how do i create this? with mklink?
You can Google the exact syntax. For unix, it's the ln
ok but now i get this error TS6059: File '/usr/local/build/types/src/index.ts' is not under 'rootDir' '/usr/local/build/src'. 'rootDir' is expected to contain all source files.
The file is in the program because:
Matched by default include pattern '**/*'
File is ECMAScript module because '/usr/local/build/types/package.json' has field "type" with value "module"
ELIFECYCLE Command failed with exit code 2.
nvm fixed it just had to put it in src, thanks for the help
but can you help me out once more? everytime i run appwrite deploy function
the Execute Access
resets and i have to set it manualy. Is there something in the appwrite.json i have to set?
yes, set it in appwrite.json: https://appwrite.io/docs/tooling/command-line/deployment#configuration
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