
Errors after upgrading to 1.4.6

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20 Oct, 2023, 18:05

I few hours ago I upgraded Appwrite to 1.4.6 from 1.4.5 and I have been getting two errors reported by Sentry. I followed the steps in an also ran the migrate command.

First error only occurred once:

Invalid document structure: Missing required attribute "userInternalId": None
  File "/usr/src/code/vendor/utopia-php/audit/src/Audit/Audit.php", line 179, in createDocument
  File "/usr/src/code/vendor/utopia-php/database/src/Database/Validator/Authorization.php", line 166, in Utopia\Audit\{closure}
  File "/usr/src/code/vendor/utopia-php/audit/src/Audit/Audit.php", line 181, in skip
  File "/usr/src/code/src/Appwrite/Platform/Workers/Audits.php", line 78, in log
  File "/usr/src/code/src/Appwrite/Platform/Workers/Audits.php", line 31, in action
(3 additional frame(s) were not displayed)

The second error seems to be occurring every now and then:

Pool 'cache_redis_main' is empty (size 10): None
  File "/usr/src/code/app/worker.php", line 115, in pop
  File "/usr/src/code/vendor/utopia-php/queue/src/Queue/Server.php", line 99, in {closure}
  File "/usr/src/code/vendor/utopia-php/queue/src/Queue/Server.php", line 119, in getResource
  File "/usr/src/code/vendor/utopia-php/queue/src/Queue/Server.php", line 99, in getResources
  File "/usr/src/code/vendor/utopia-php/queue/src/Queue/Server.php", line 379, in getResource
(3 additional frame(s) were not displayed)

Any ideas on how to fix these errors?

Error 1: "Invalid document structure: Missing required attribute "userInternalId"" - This error occurred after upgrading to version 1.4.6. - The error is related to the `createDocument` function in the `Audit.php` file. - It is possibly caused by a missing required attribute "userInternalId". - No solution provided in the support thread. Error 2: "Pool 'cache_redis_main' is empty (size 10)" - This error also occurred after upgrading to version 1.4.6. - The error is related to the `pop` function in the `worker.php` file
20 Oct, 2023, 18:21

Invalid document structure: Missing required attribute "userInternalId": None

Did you run the migrate command when you were on 1.3.8?

20 Oct, 2023, 18:21

Pool 'cache_redis_main' is empty (size 10): None

What container does this happen in?

20 Oct, 2023, 18:34

Yes I tend to always run the migrate command for any upgrades that I do. Should I avoid running it if it's only a patch update?

20 Oct, 2023, 18:36

I can't look at the container right now but here's what Sentry shows, does this help?

20 Oct, 2023, 23:02

is there anything else in there that would say which container that was from? we have a lot of workers

21 Oct, 2023, 02:27

Do you have a command that you would like me to run on the VM? I'm honestly not sure how to give you the information you need.

21 Oct, 2023, 02:28

I meant in sentry. Is there a stacktrace or any other labels?

21 Oct, 2023, 02:43
        args: [],
        class: 'Utopia\\Pools\\Pool',
        file: '/usr/src/code/app/worker.php',
        function: 'pop',
        line: 115,
        type: '->'
    { args: [{}], file: '/usr/src/code/vendor/utopia-php/queue/src/Queue/Server.php', function: '{closure}', line: 99 },
        args: ['cache'],
        class: 'Utopia\\Queue\\Server',
        file: '/usr/src/code/vendor/utopia-php/queue/src/Queue/Server.php',
        function: 'getResource',
        line: 119,
        type: '->'
        args: [['cache', 'register', 'message', 'dbForConsole']],
        class: 'Utopia\\Queue\\Server',
        file: '/usr/src/code/vendor/utopia-php/queue/src/Queue/Server.php',
        function: 'getResources',
        line: 99,
        type: '->'
        args: ['dbForProject'],
        class: 'Utopia\\Queue\\Server',
        file: '/usr/src/code/vendor/utopia-php/queue/src/Queue/Server.php',
        function: 'getResource',
        line: 379,
        type: '->'
21 Oct, 2023, 02:44
                resource: 'database/.../collection/.../document/...',
                user: {
                    $collection: 'users',
                    $createdAt: '...',
                    $id: '...',
                    $internalId: '17',
                    $permissions: '["read(\\"any\\")","update(\\"user:...\\")","delete(\\"user:...\\")"]',
                    $updatedAt: '..',
                    accessedAt: null,
                    email: '...',
                    emailVerification: true,
                    hash: 'argon2',
                    hashOptions: '{"memoryCost":2048,"threads":3,"timeCost":4,"type":"argon2"}',
                    labels: '[]',
                    memberships: '[...]',
                    name: '...',
                    password: '...',
                    passwordHistory: '[]',
                    passwordUpdate: '...',
                    phone: null,
                    phoneVerification: null,
                    prefs: '...',
                    registration: '...',
                    reset: false,
                    search: '... ... ...',
                    sessions: '[...]',
                    status: true,
                    tokens: '[]'
                userAgent: '...'
        class: 'Utopia\\Queue\\Server',
        file: '/usr/src/code/vendor/utopia-php/queue/src/Queue/Server.php',
        function: 'getArguments',
        line: 248,
        type: '->'
    { args: ['0'], class: 'Utopia\\Queue\\Server', function: 'Utopia\\Queue\\{closure}', type: '->' },
        args: [{}, '0'],
        file: '/usr/src/code/vendor/utopia-php/queue/src/Queue/Adapter/Swoole.php',
        function: 'call_user_func',
        line: 37
21 Oct, 2023, 02:45

I had to remove a lot of sensitive info but I hope this helps.


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