
Can't find link to docker-compose.yml and .env files for production use

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12 Oct, 2023, 13:55

In old documentation, there was a link to raw version of docker-compose.yml file and for production .env file. After design update of docs, I can't find it anywhere. Could you please help me or linked the files in self-hosting installation doc? Thanks.

The user is having trouble finding the link to the docker-compose.yml and .env files for production use in the Appwrite documentation. Another user suggests checking the appwrite directory on the remote server, as it should contain those files. They also provide a link to the Appwrite GitHub repository where the latest versions of the files can be found. Unfortunately, there is no solution provided in the thread.
12 Oct, 2023, 16:32

After running the docker command on your remote server. You should have a directory named appwrite created in the location you excuted te docker run command. The directory contains both .env and docker-compose.yaml files.

Also, you can refer to the github repo for the latest compose and env files

12 Oct, 2023, 16:34

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