
Functions: static files not found in Kotlin

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  • Functions
11 Oct, 2023, 16:41

My function structure looks like this:

 - src
   - Main.kt
 - static
   - index.html

Entry point for the function is src/Main.kt

I'm getting java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException and Caused by: ../static/index.html (No such file or directory) errors.

The code I'm using to read files is:

val text = File("../static/index.html").readText()

I've also tried

val fileName = Paths.get("..", "static", "index.html")
val fileString = Files.readString(fileName)

and many others without any luck.

The issue is that static files are not found in Kotlin functions because they are not bundled into the jar file when the Kotlin code is compiled. A potential solution is to update open runtimes to support static files. The provided code snippets to read the file have not worked so far.
14 Oct, 2023, 16:40

For anyone else finding this, the problem is the kotlin code is compiled into a jar and static files included in your function aren't bundled into the jar. We may need to update open runtimes to add support for static files.


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