I have a collection with team permission to delete, but when I try to delete a document from my Flutter app, I get ‘user unauthorized’ error. (I can perform other operations with team role account.
it throws same error even if I make "Any" role to be delete all operations
You're using cloud or self-hosted?
If self-hosted, what version?
self hosted, 1.3.x
What's the appwrite SDK version you're using?
Hmm that seems to be correct for the version you're using
Are you sure that you have the app added in the dashboard?
As platform
yep, I am using all other functionalities wtihout any problem
but there is a problem with only delete operation
I did not tried deleting documents from other collections but in anyway I need to be able to delete from that collection too
and as I said, even if I put "any" role to be able to delete, it throws same error
Could you please send the exact error and the error being shown after running docker compose logs appwrite
Okay I will send it when I try
sorry for late reply
it is very weird
yesterday, the collection that I get error, now I can delete on that collection
but now I cannot delete in some other collection
same error
does the colleciton have relationships? Does the user have access on the related documents?
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