
How to cache listDocuments response with android sdk?

  • 0
  • Android
  • Databases
  • Cloud
8 Oct, 2023, 04:34

I want to cache listDocuments response for a given time like 1 hour to optimize appwrite function calls. How to do this. Is it supported natively or do I have to use other third party libraries?

There is no native support to cache listDocuments response with the Android SDK. You will need to manually implement a caching mechanism. One option is to use RoomDB, which is a library for local storage in Android. Another option is to modify the ARC library, which mimics RemoteConfig from Firebase and can be customized according to your needs.
8 Oct, 2023, 05:42
  1. You will have to manually write an implementation to cache these results on disk. Example: RoomDB.
  2. I've created a library that mimics RemoteConfig from Firebase but only looks for 2 attributes, similar to key: value structure. You can use that if you have 2 attributes or maybe modify it according to your needs. Here it is:

I'd suggest using RoomDB for managing a long list of docs. though.


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