
Function deploy failed

  • 1
  • Functions
  • Cloud
8 Oct, 2023, 02:17

I've been experiencing function deploy failures several times lately, error: Incorrect string value: '\xE2\x94' for column 'logs' at row 1 But it's working after redeploy

Project id: RSS_Translator Function id: rss_action Deployment id: 65220a1cc3e64e74d071 SDK: Python

Users are experiencing issues with deploying a function. The error message states that a certain runtime was not found, even though it was specified in the .env file. One user suggests updating the .env file and deleting the function from the server before redeploying, which resolved the issue. Another user mentions that pushing new code to one function causes all functions to redeploy, leading to the error. The error message also includes "Incorrect string value" for the column 'logs' at row 1. No reliable way to reproduce the error is known. The project ID is "RSS_Translator" and the function ID is "rss_action".
10 Oct, 2023, 02:27

I've been running into the exact same issue.

If it's any help, I have a single repo and organize my functions with different root folders. I noticed pushing new code to one function causes them all to redeploy, and this error seems to happen as long as there is one of the functions still building

19 Oct, 2023, 20:27

what runtime?

19 Oct, 2023, 20:28 you have a way for us to reproduce it reliably?

19 Oct, 2023, 20:33

Python 3.9

19 Oct, 2023, 21:34

I'm sorry, there is no pattern to this error, and there is nothing I can do to make it reproduce itself

19 Oct, 2023, 23:38

I had an issue deploying a function. It said that a certain runtime was not found. I wasn't using that runtime but remember entering it in the .env file. So after updating the env and deleting the function from the server and then re-deploying the function it worked. Perhaps some caching . idk


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