I have a like 5 functions, but only one of them when i open it it throws the 500 internal error, all the other ones work perfectly
Im using appwrite cloud
@ianmont Could you please sensd your project ID?
anything in the console or network logs of your browser?
Hmm weird...maybe a deployment was deleted...I'm not sure how...maybe deploy again?
Well I remember that about 2 days ago there were problems with cloud that error 500 appeared just by opening a sidebar menu and all that... and in my case it let me open that function but from time to time the error 500 internal error would appear
Possibly some deployment got bugged and didn't finish uploading or something like that, what solution is there?
I could really delete that function since I'm not using it anymore.
The problem is that it doesn't let me access the interface to delete it
How do you typically deploy?
I manually deploy dragging the file zip to the drag and drop part
i highly suggest using the Appwrite CLI instead
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