Running '2. Build the code' command gives this error
What exactly are you doing? I'm a little lost 😅
OP is probably trying to run a function with the runtime (local/remote github setup).
I don't think anyone is supposed to run a function like that unless testing.
I am working on this issue So I am trying to run the example in Open Runtime dotnet 6 But it's giving me some and some mnt/code/* error
you don't need open runtime for that, install appwrite locally, add runtime via .env
and restart appwrite.
Seems its trying to copy the code from your local to the mount location.
Yes install appwrite locally , the only pain is you need to deploy everytime to test it 😀
I think you can directly tar.gz your code and run this passing the code may be
docker run -p 3000:3000 -e OPEN_RUNTIMES_SECRET=secret-key --rm --interactive --tty --volume $PWD/code.tar.gz:/mnt/code/code.tar.gz:ro openruntimes/dotnet:v3-6.0 sh helpers/ "dotnet /usr/local/server/src/function/DotNetRuntime.dll"
I am able to build!!
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