Hi, I'm writing an app with Expo, React Native and Appwrite Cloud. My goal is to upload an image to the bucket storage. I have tested the bucket with REST requests and that worked fine. However, I cannot get it to work with the Web SDK. I am using the newest version 13.0.0 but tested it also with older ones.
When I try calling const response = await api.uploadProfileImage(file) it catches this error: {"name":"AppwriteException","code":0,"type":"","response":""}
I tried it using different Files with the new File constructor from JS and also double checked all other params. I cannot make sense of the issue. Auth and DB both work fine in the project.
There's a problem with how react native handles multipart form data.
Use this workaround: https://github.com/appwrite/sdk-for-web/issues/27#issuecomment-1710914979
It worked with that, thanks <:appwriteheart:782571497393750036>
[SOLVED] Uploading File from React Native Client
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