I am trying to start using appwrite with react-native but getting This error 'Cannot read prototype of undefined' from Client. After setEndpoint I am setting project ID.
Try putting client just after the import statement
Still same error.
What's the SDK you're using?
Node SDK or web SDK?
Node 18.17.1 appwrite sdk ^13.0.0
This is a react native app?
Then you should not use node, instead web SDK
I didn't understand. What do you mean by I should not use node. Node is required for react native.
There are 2 appwrite SDK:
- Node SDK
- Web SDK
I think you're using the first one, so use the second one for react
Ohh sorry. I am using webSDK only.
Is there a stack trace?
yes. there is
Issue can be reproduced by cloning this repo and in dev branch replace Project Endpoint and ID in loginUser function inside Login.tsx
Pinging this to bring it to the top.
sorry i tried running this but i got errors running on android and ios. for android it was something about source.properties and for ios it was
error: Unable to load contents of file list: '/Target Support Files/Pods-appwrite/Pods-appwrite-resources-Debug-input-files.xcfilelist' (in target 'appwrite' from project 'appwrite')
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