
change data type from float to string

  • 0
  • Databases
29 Sep, 2023, 16:20

I need to change a data type from float to string but I don't have the option to make that change, any ideas?

User wants to change data type from float to string in their Flutter application. They are using appwrite in a collection. They are concerned about errors in old versions of the app and the possibility of downtime. They are in production and need a solution.
29 Sep, 2023, 16:23

Are you in production with people using different versions of your app?

29 Sep, 2023, 16:25

yes, I am in production

29 Sep, 2023, 16:30

Will people be using old versions of your app? Can you afford downtime?

29 Sep, 2023, 16:36

If I can open a downtime

29 Sep, 2023, 16:37

Does the app refer to my Flutter application?

29 Sep, 2023, 16:38

Yes. With mobile apps, people may be on different versions because they haven't updated the app. As such, you need to make sure to continue to support them until they upgrade

29 Sep, 2023, 16:41

The type of data I need to change is in appwrite in a collection

29 Sep, 2023, 16:44
29 Sep, 2023, 16:47

we don't allow that. if you do that, your old app will error because it expects a number but is getting a string

29 Sep, 2023, 16:51

I understand, thanks for the information.


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