
[SOLVED] dotnet starter function template wont build

  • 1
  • Self Hosted
  • Functions
27 Sep, 2023, 11:30

I just tried to deploy the template from however I dont get it to work.

  1. I took the "StarterTemplate.csproj" and the "Index.cs" and packed it into a tarball
  2. tried manual and endpoint deploying by supplying the code tarball and "Index.cs" as entrypoint
  3. logs show -> see picture thx in advance..
Title: dotnet starter function template won't build Issue: The user is unable to build the dotnet starter function template and is encountering errors when trying to deploy using the CLI. Solution: The user found that deployment using the CLI worked successfully. If not using the GitHub integration, manually deploying the template may have issues with archiving or the specified path. The CLI installation issue can be fixed by using npx, but the user cannot use it on their machine for certain reasons.
27 Sep, 2023, 12:29

I also tried to get the default dotnet template from cli but i first had to update it in order to get 1.4* functions and it seems to be broken right now

27 Sep, 2023, 21:20

i first had to update it in order to get 1.4* functions and it seems to be broken right now

What do you mean?

28 Sep, 2023, 07:30

I mean that my CLI is broken when installing it with curl -sL | bash.. I've seen that on multiple support cases and apparently it can be fixed by using npx but I cant use it on my machine due to reasons

28 Sep, 2023, 07:32

However I am sorry I didnt mean to change the topic... I am just trying to deploy c# functions which comply with 1.4*

28 Sep, 2023, 20:04

If you're not using the github integration, the CLI would be the best way. When doing it manually, there could be something wrong with how it's archived or the path specified, etc.

2 Oct, 2023, 08:48

yes cli deployment works thx

2 Oct, 2023, 08:49

[SOLVED] dotnet starter function template wont build


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