
[SOLVED] 1.4.x REST API Function Create Execution - data payload

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  • Functions
20 Sep, 2023, 17:50

Hey All, I recently migrated to 1.4.3 and am running into issues around providing the data/payload to functions via the REST Endpoint (

Is that documentation up to date? Prior to 1.4.x the following code snippet worked.

const response = await fetch(
    method: "POST",
    headers: {
      "X-Appwrite-Project": "<ProjectID>",
      "Content-Type": "application/json",
      "X-Appwrite-Key": "<AppwriteKey>",
    body: JSON.stringify({
      data: JSON.stringify({
        value1: "A",
        value2: "B",

This is a new function built from the appwrite-cli template following 1.4.x standards.

The function executes but the req.bodyRaw & req.body values are empty.

This may be related to the new Custom Domains. I'm awaiting the DNS to refresh with a new CNAME Field but figured I'd reach out here in the meantime since the execution does still seem to be triggering.

Appreciate any assistance!

Title: [SOLVED] Issue with REST API Function Create Execution and data payload Message: The user was having issues providing the data/payload to functions via the REST Endpoint in Appwrite version 1.4.x. They shared the code snippet they were using, which worked prior to the update. However, after the update, the `req.bodyRaw` and `req.body` values were empty. The user suspected it might be related to the new Custom Domains feature. In a later message, they mentioned that the issue was resolved and thanked the community for their help. Solution: The user discovered that the issue was related
20 Sep, 2023, 17:56

the params have changed. take a look at the docs you linked again (make sure you're looking at the 1.4.x version of the docs)

20 Sep, 2023, 17:59

So the browser/window size for my appwrite tab isn't 'large' so it wasn't showing me the Example Request. When I full screened it it popped up..I'll give that a whirl

20 Sep, 2023, 18:40

Got it to work, appreciate it!

Working Syntax from my example:

const response = await fetch(
    method: "POST",
    headers: {
      "X-Appwrite-Project": "<ProjectID>",
      "X-Appwrite-Key": "<AppwriteKey>",
      "X-Appwrite-Response-Format": "1.4.0",
      "Content-Type": "application/json",
    body: JSON.stringify({
      body: JSON.stringify({
        value1: "A",
        value2: "B",
20 Sep, 2023, 20:03

[SOLVED] 1.4.x REST API Function Create Execution - data payload


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