
Activity not being recorded

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  • Self Hosted
  • Databases
20 Sep, 2023, 11:26

My document activity tab looks empty but in the usage tab I have 14 documents deleted. Not sure why my instance stopped recording activity

Appwrite version: 1.3.8

User is experiencing an issue with activity not being recorded on their Appwrite instance after upgrading to version 1.3.8. They suspect that the issue may be related to missing the migrate command during the upgrade. There is a link to an issue on GitHub discussing a potential fix for this issue. The user also mentions that their document activity tab appears empty, but the usage tab shows 14 documents deleted.
20 Sep, 2023, 11:28
20 Sep, 2023, 16:42

did you run the migrate command after upgrading to 1.3.8?

20 Sep, 2023, 16:47

I think I didn't upgraded or maybe I upgraded unnoticedly 😅

20 Sep, 2023, 17:31

If the audit worker complains about the user internal ID, you may have missed the migrate command


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