
[SOLVED] Unhandled Exception: type '_Map<String, dynamic>' is not a subtype of type 'List<dynamic>'

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Said H
15 Sep, 2023, 01:27

Hello, I'm using AppWrite cloud and I hit this error when querying from a collection. I was able to query from other collection. I browsed Discord and tried to apply some suggestions, such as changing the cast to void and dynamic. Both are not working. Would you have any suggestion?

  Future<DocumentList> getDocs(collectionId) {
    return databases.listDocuments(
      databaseId: appwriteDatabaseId,
      collectionId: collectionId,

I am using appwrite: ^9.0.1

The user encountered an error when querying from a collection in AppWrite cloud. They tried changing the cast to 'void' and 'dynamic', but it didn't work. The error disappeared after they deleted a specific record manually. The error may have been caused by malformed permissions. The user was also unable to view the record in the Appwrite console. The suggested solution is to use the debugger to inspect the data being returned by Appwrite.
15 Sep, 2023, 01:29

I wonder if you have malformed permissions. Maybe you can use the debugger to inspect what data is being returned by Appwrite

Said H
15 Sep, 2023, 01:31

Thanks Steven. I will try debugger. Btw, I was not able to view the record in Appwrite console too. It just loads infinitely. Other collections' records are fine

15 Sep, 2023, 01:32

Ya sounds like malformed document permissions...

Said H
15 Sep, 2023, 01:33

ok, i deleted that record and retry

15 Sep, 2023, 01:34

How are you creating the record? What's your code?

Said H
15 Sep, 2023, 01:34

manual entry

Said H
15 Sep, 2023, 01:34

I was just testing, so I manually input the record from appwrite console

15 Sep, 2023, 01:35 shouldn't have malformed permissions doing that 🧐 I'm curious what the document json was...

Said H
15 Sep, 2023, 01:35

hmm...i couldn't click the record to view it though. Let me try to replicate πŸ™‚

Said H
15 Sep, 2023, 01:36

Hey Steven, the error disappeared after I deleted that record!

Said H
15 Sep, 2023, 01:36

Thanks for that. In the meantime, I will try to manually insert the doc again to see whether I can replicate the same problem

Said H
15 Sep, 2023, 01:40

Ok, I replicated the problem. Even though I created the record manually, I have a function that triggers on Create. That triggers assign permission to the record. And it assigned a same permission to the same person 2x. Thanks to you that i can zoom into the permission part.

Said H
15 Sep, 2023, 01:41

[SOLVED] Unhandled Exception: type '_Map<String, dynamic>' is not a subtype of type 'List<dynamic>'

15 Sep, 2023, 01:41

I'm pretty sure we've fixed this and cloud is pending an upgrade with the fix

Said H
15 Sep, 2023, 01:41

I see. Thank so much Steven


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