updated the "_APP_DOMAIN" and "_APP_DOMAIN_TARGET" env variables, tried to add the custom domain in appwrite project console.
getting router_host_not_found
can you show me the output of docker compose exec appwrite vars
removed the https, and i think it is working for now
don't add the https
in the variable. Just use the hostname
So e268-103-217-239-26.ngrok-free.app
is whta you would use for both the variables
yup, now its working but the gitub integration is still not working
Please create a new post in <#1072905050399191082> for a different topic. Regardless, check out this video on setting up github integration, and see if you missed anything: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFoxpT_RQj4
oh thanks a lot. will do that. if any other doubts, ill make a different topic. Can i ping u in the post or should i make a post? so that someone picks it up
Just make a post and someone will be there 😄
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