I suppose it will be cheap 😄
Query.search("country", country), dosnt work with KEY must be fullText I guess
Yes, it needs to be full text
As you guessed
@Tessa what if I need more than pro but not as much as Scale?
@D5 Yes, thanks again to you and kenny <#
There will be small "packages"
Just curious, you need more than pro?
here is a sneak peak
Wow, looks great!
100/100 in design
The pricing is not final, if people are unhappy about it, we understand their use case and maybe rethink things.
@D5 my aim is for all pet adopter to use it. I dont know how much data I will need.. never launched anything before
🥹 🥹 🥹 🥹 🥹
@Tessa understood and hope to get support from the team
I see. I suppose you will not need more than pro unless you have to use more than 100gb or bandwidth
I dont know I dont even have an idea, If God wills and I get millions of users.. I might need more capacity
but yes blessings be on Eldad and the whole team, appwrite is a dream come true
was waiting for something like this for over 4 years 😄
Hope yes!
That's too much 😮
I'm marking this as solved. If you enter into any other problem, don't hesitate to create a post there, will try to answer it as soon as possible 😅
Thanks dear brother <#
[SOLVED] Multiple Query Not Working
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