Please check the attached screenshots.
I have a node function that takes around 120 seconds to complete the task. In the Appwrite console, I set the Timeout value to 240 sec, and in the docker env file the timeout variable is set to 900 seconds. However, the function throws the timeout error after 60 seconds of execution.
Functions are not setting the timeout as per the configuration in 1.4.2
what's that full error?
#0 /usr/local/vendor/utopia-php/framework/src/App.php(460): {closure}('appwrite-execut...', '{"abc...', '/', 'POST', Array, 240, 'openruntimes/no...', '/storage/builds...', 'dist/main.js', Array, 0, 0, 'v3', 'cp /tmp/code.ta...', Object(Swoole\Table), Object(Utopia\Swoole\Response), Object(Utopia\Logger\Log))
#1 /usr/local/vendor/utopia-php/framework/src/App.php(659): Utopia\App->execute(Object(Utopia\Transaction), Object(Utopia\Route), Object(Utopia\Swoole\Request), Object(Utopia\Swoole\Response))
#2 /usr/local/app/http.php(1317): Utopia\App->run(Object(Utopia\Swoole\Request), Object(Utopia\Swoole\Response), Object(Utopia\Transaction))
#3 [internal function]: {closure}(Object(Swoole\Http\Request), Object(Swoole\Http\Response))
#4 {main}
Error Message: An internal curl error has occurred within the executor! Error Msg: Connection reset by peer
where is this from?
I have configured sentry, so I'm getting error trace from it
so which container is throwing this error? maybe look the logger or server_name
how is hte function being triggered? via appwrite console?
@Abhishek would you please try setting this env var in your .env file?
http call from web client sdk
Sure, let me check
[SOLVED] Functions are not setting the timeout as per the configuration in 1.4.2
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