
Account verification via appwrite SDK on flutter?

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  • Accounts
12 Sep, 2023, 14:41

Hello! How can I verify my phone without a secret key using appwrite dart sdk? For example, after creating a new user, you can update the status through the admin panel with one button. Is it possible to do this via flutter without confirming your phone or email? I don't need confirmation because I get a real phone number through the usdd command. Therefore, there is no need to check the phone whether it is real or not. I just want to do after creating an account it became verified.

To verify an account without a secret key using the Appwrite Dart SDK in Flutter, you can use the `updatePhoneVerification` endpoint. This allows you to update the account status through the admin panel with one button without the need for phone or email confirmation. You can find more information on how to use this endpoint in the Dart SDK documentation [here]( After creating an account, you can make it verified by using this endpoint.
12 Sep, 2023, 14:46

Keep in mind that the "verified" tag is just a boolean that doesn't affect anything by default. Restricting access depending on verified/unverified status is totally up to you.

That being said, if you want to verify accounts without the secret, you will have to use the server-side SDK in an Appwrite Function.

Since you are familiar with Flutter, you must have a decent grasp of Dart as well, which is a supported runtime. Have a look at the documentation of the updatePhoneVerification endpoint for Dart here

12 Sep, 2023, 15:00

Oh very simple? Thank you very much!!!


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